Are multiple H1 tags in Framer a problem?
Framer optimizes your pages for excellent SEO performance by default, offering full control over SEO markup, indexing rules, redirects, and more. This page gives an overview of Framer's SEO features and explains how to ensure your site has strong SEO.
SEO optimization
By default, Framer sites are optimized for SEO and include features like sitemap.xml and robots.txt automatically. To further enhance optimization, Framer offers tools to help you maximize your content's potential. Here's a quick guide on how to start optimizing your site for SEO.
Add meta titles and descriptions
In your site settings, you can provide custom title and description metadata for your entire site or for individual pages. You can also set custom titles and descriptions for your CMS pages. These elements help search engines understand the content and purpose of your pages. Watch this video tutorial for more information.
In the past, people added keywords in a specific section to manipulate search engines. However, search engines now ignore those keyword sections. Instead, they analyze all the text on your site and extract relevant keywords. These keywords are determined based on their presence on your page, in your domain, and if other sites link to your site using those keywords.