How do I prevent specific pages from getting indexed by search engines?
CMS detail pages
If you have content like a blog, news articles, or documentation, it's recommended to use the built-in CMS (Content Management System). This lets you easily display content lists and automatically generate pages for each piece. Search engines can then crawl and analyze these pages.
Semantic text and elements
Using proper semantic text and elements on your page is crucial for accessibility and SEO. For example, a strong main heading (H1) is important for SEO performance. Manually adjusting semantic tags on headers and image descriptions helps search engines understand your page's structure.Structured data with JSON-LD Consider implementing structured data using JSON-LD. This will enhance search results for content like events, articles, books, and more.
Data-nosnippet directive
The ‘data-nosnippet’ attribute is a directive to Google to not use certain parts of the page when creating the snippet for that page in search results. This directive can be useful if you don’t want Google to rewrite your meta description when displaying your page in the search results. Please note that preventing Google from rewriting meta descriptions might potentially decrease your click-through rate, especially for long-tail keywords.